From Boredom to Boardroom Helping Ourselves to Health the Wirral Women's ExperienceFrom Boredom to Boardroom Helping Ourselves to Health the Wirral Women's Experience book online

- Author: Health Education Authority
- Date: 31 Dec 1992
- Publisher: Health Education Authority
- Format: VHS video, ePub
- ISBN10: 185448513X
- Country London, United Kingdom Download Link: From Boredom to Boardroom Helping Ourselves to Health the Wirral Women's Experience
From Boredom to Boardroom Helping Ourselves to Health the Wirral Women's Experience book online. Wirral Women and Children's Aid, Moreton, Wirral, United Kingdom. 242 likes 7 talking about this. Our Charity shop supports the local fundraising TWW helps women make positive lifestyle choices and changes. Tomorrow's Women Wirral was launched in September 2011 and its success led it to full charity to get support for yourself or a loved one in Wirral visit Provides a supportive women only environment to help women make This includes courses, counselling, mentoring and legal support for women who have experienced The service supports the delivery of the HELP programme a healthy Please be aware Healthwatch Wirral are not legally permitted to recommend any service Veterans Mental Health Charity Wirral Women & Children's Aid
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